Monday, March 22, 2010

the beginning

i've never blogged before. i love reading other people's blogs so i thought i'd give it a shot. to be honest, i actually like looking at the pretty pictures of other people's blogs but that's beside the point. while i could easily make this a blog of dislikes, (people who don't shovel the snow in front of their house, cockroaches over 2 inches in my bedroom, the list goes on...) i've decided to focus on the positive. maybe because i just survived my first new england winter and it is finally sunny, i am feeling unusually cheerful.

spring has sprung! and not a minute too soon.

something i could still be bitter about: breaking down in winnemucca, nv on my way from san francisco to boston which meant i did not have a car through the hellish winter and was forced to walk and wait for the T in snow, rain and hail. ah, but then i wouldn't have visited a place that butch cassidy visited once... and that would be shameful.

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